Media Roundup: The world is watching — and we’re not slowing down.

Photo: Brooke Anderson

As Israel’s genocidal war on the over two millions Palestinians trapped in Gaza enters its third month, the devastation of this moment is palpable. Over 22,000 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed, including over 10,000 children — and if something doesn’t change soon, far more will die of disease and starvation than have been killed by Israeli bombs.

Now is not the moment to slow down. Our power is growing, and the pressure being exerted by the Palestine solidarity movement is working: We can see the cracks forming — and we know that if we keep pushing, the facade will crumble, sooner rather than later.

That’s why, from Pittsburgh to Sacramento, Vermont to Milwaukee, we continue to mobilize our people to demand a ceasefire and an end to U.S. military funding to Israel. Our message is clear: There can be no business as usual while our government arms a genocide. Let Gaza live. Free Palestine.

‘Cease fire now’: Pittsburgh locals gather for global solidarity vigil in support of Palestine, The Daily Item, December 26, 2023

“All life is precious. We demand an end to the occupation and the siege; we demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire in pursuit of collective liberation — for all Palestinians, Jews and people everywhere.”

-Leora Rosner, JVP-Pittsburgh 

81-year-old Jewish activist fights Zionism in the US, one arrest at a time, TRT World, January 4, 2024

“It’s my responsibility to speak out with my body and my voice as much as I possibly can to try to stop this madness, this genocide.”

– Ros Petchesky

Protesters calling for Gaza cease-fire shut down California Assembly, San Francisco Chronicle, January 3, 2024

“We want our legislators to take a stand on the side of peace, on the side of justice, and on the side of humanity. Right now Israel is waging a genocidal campaign in Gaza, and we need all people of conscience to speak up, to put an end to this horrifying moment in history.”

– Liv Kunins-Berkowitz, Media Coordinator, Jewish Voice for Peace

Polarized: Israel-Gaza War Is Forcing Young U.S. Jews to Choose Sides, Haaretz, December 26, 2023

“I have found an amazing community of Jews across generations through JVP.”

– Jake Bernstein

Jewish protesters calling for cease-fire in Gaza disrupt first day of California legislative session, The Associated Press, January 4, 2024

“We are Jews and Californians, Assembly members, we call on you to join us in demanding a cease-fire now.”

– A coalition of protesters, including members of JVP-Bay Area and JVP-Sacramento

Jewish protesters calling for cease-fire in Gaza disrupt 1st day of California legislative session, Spectrum News 1, January 3, 2024

“Hundreds of protesters calling for a cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas war interrupted the first day of California’s legislative session on Wednesday, forcing the state Assembly to adjourn just moments after convening.

Lawmakers had just listened to the opening prayer and said the Pledge of Allegiance when protesters wearing matching black t-shirts stood from their seats and started singing ‘Cease-fire now’ and ‘Let Gaza live.'”

California Assembly shut down by protest calling for Israeli cease-fire, Los Angeles Times, January 3, 2024

“Jennifer Esteen, a nurse who is running for the Alameda County Board of Supervisors, took part in the protest, calling on state lawmakers to issue a resolution to demand a cease-fire.

‘These decisions that we can make here in California will absolutely change federal policy,’ Esteen said as organizers chanted, ‘Free Palestine.'”

Protesters at California State Capitol disrupt Assembly session, CBS News, January 3, 2024

“The only safety for Jews is to be in solidarity with all peoples.”

– Penny Rosenwasser, JVP-Bay Area 

Laura Mandelberg, Unlearning Myths, Learning Solidarity: My journey to calling for a ceasefire and Palestinian freedom, Worlds of Possibility, December 2023

“Contrary to the myth that the Palestinian liberation movement is antisemitic, when I work for Palestinian freedom, I feel connected to my ancestors who suffered oppression, massacres, and genocide and wouldn’t want anyone else to live through the same horrors. I feel deeply rooted in my Jewish values – tikkun olam (repairing the world), pikuach nefesh (prioritizing the saving of lives above all else), tdzedek (justice).”

Downtown rally calls for US to stop military aid to Israel, Brattleboro Reformer, December 23, 2023

“’We Vermonters are calling for an end to business as usual while Israeli occupation forces use our tax dollars to drop bombs on the world’s largest open-air prison,’ said Addie Mahdavi, a Newfane resident and local organizer.

“’My family, my community and I are watching the killing every day. For me, this action is an act of hope and a chance to reclaim our collective power to bring this to a stop.’”

Guest columnists Molly Aronson, Aviv Nisinzweig, and Kaia Jackson: Common cause for Palestinians and Jews, Daily Hampshire Gazette, December 26, 2023

“And we know there will still be work to do. To recenter the humanity, dignity and self-determination of Palestinian people. To reject narratives that pit Jews and Palestinians against each other. And to fight for a future in which Palestinian and Jewish safety are a common cause. Anything less perpetuates the lie that our pain can only be healed by hurting someone else.”

Rabbi speaks at Marquette University about growing Jewish resistance to Zionism, Wisconsin Muslim Journal, December 26, 2023

“If there’s any single message I could offer at this particular moment, it is this is the time for speaking out, for being in the streets, for resisting those who would tell us to remain silent. It’s a time, as Martin Luther King once said, to break silence.”

– Rabbi Brant Rosen, Co-founder of JVP Rabbinical Council 

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