News Feed


August 28, 2024

A brief guide to Israel’s cultural genocide.

Attacks on Palestinian culture are core to Israel's genocide.

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August 28, 2024

Media Roundup: To be silent is to be complicit.

JVP members are mobilizing across the country to demand an arms embargo.

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August 28, 2024

A brief guide to Israel’s cultural genocide.

Attacks on Palestinian culture are core to Israel’s genocide.

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August 20, 2024

Thousands march on the DNC.

Democrats must change course.

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August 14, 2024

Democrats are at a crossroads. Will they finally listen to their base?

An arms embargo is the only way to end this genocide.

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August 2, 2024

Break the Bonds: A dispatch from our divestment campaign.

The pressure is on for U.S. institutions to stop investing in genocide and Israeli apartheid.

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August 1, 2024

Prevent regional war: arms embargo and permanent ceasefire now.

JVP denounces the recent escalations of the Israeli government, which are designed to thwart ceasefire efforts in Gaza and have once again brought the Middle East to the brink of a regional war. The Biden…

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July 31, 2024

Biden’s legacy is genocide.

The Biden administration’s support for Israel has led to a spiral of disaster claiming more lives by the day.

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July 23, 2024

400 American Jews Mark Netanyahu’s Arrival with Congress Sit-In, Calling on Biden and Congress to Stop Arming the Israeli Military as it Wages Genocide in Gaza

Rabbis, Celebrities, Students, Israelis, descendants of Holocaust survivors, and hundreds of Jewish Voice for Peace members demand Biden listen to the will of the people Washington, D.C. (July 23, 2024) — One day before Israeli…

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July 10, 2024

What’s the meaning of solidarity?

There’s no such thing as liberation for some.

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