Free Anti-Violence Artwork to Create Welcoming Spaces in the Age of Trump
Share and display the artwork below in your community to create welcoming spaces for all.
[dropcaps type=’normal’ color=” background_color=” border_color=”]B[/dropcaps]etween Nov. 9—the day after the presidential election—and Nov. 15, the Southern Poverty Law Center collected 437 reports of hateful intimidation and harassment from around the country.
Muslims, immigrants, women, and Black and LGBTQ communities were all targets of these attacks. These incidents took place on public transportation, in the streets, in places of worship—but the majority took place in K-12 schools. These attacks are happening to our communities, our friends, and loved ones.
Driven by a desire to provide tools for schools and the larger community to create space for discussion and declare solidarity, artists Micah Bazant (of the JVP Artists and Cultural Workers Council) and Kate DeCiccio partnered with American Friends Service Committee, Forward Together, Jewish Voice for Peace, Center for New Community, and Showing Up for Racial Justice to produce these beautiful images.
Share these posters widely in your community. You can:
- Post them in schools, community spaces, businesses, etc. to assert anti-racist, welcoming space. Download these images for free below.
- Use these images along with our crowd-sourced K-12 discussion and activities guide. This guide is a collective work in progress. Let us know if you have an activity to propose.
- Use these images with this new short anti-violence video or incorporate it with toolkits and materials prepared by groups across the country.
To order prints, visit Kate Deciccio or Micah Bazant.
Learn more from Jewish Voice for Peace leaders:
You can find the recording of this bystander intervention training here and the powerpoint is available here.
Racist, transphobic, homophobic, misogynistic, antisemitic, ableist, and Islamophobic attacks are on the rise. Our organizing must include real clarity and fresh tools to help us show up for each other–even, or especially, if we’re strangers. Drawing on lessons from transformative justice work, anti-violence organizing, and bystander intervention approaches, we’ll ready ourselves to interrupt bigotry, harassment, and violence in our day-to-day lives.
With JVP’s Stefanie Fox and Rabbi Alissa Wise
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