Search Results: apartheid

Jewish Voice for Peace on Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions | 2015

JVP endorses the call from Palestinian civil society for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) as part of our work for freedom, justice and equality.

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Community Leaders Launch Campaign Against City Council Delegation to Israel

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 12, 2015 Community Leaders Launch Campaign Against City Council Delegation to Israel Coalition of more than 40 groups holds press conference outside City Hall, calls on the City Council to honor commitments to New York City residents and stand for justice Representatives from a diverse coalition of groups across New York…

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Jewish Voice for Peace Statement on United Auto Workers Local 2865 BDS Vote

On December 4, United Auto Workers (UAW) 2865, representing over 13,000 graduate students, readers, and tutors across the University of California system, will be casting a vote for or against boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS.) The ballot measure calls on the University of California (UC) and the UAW International to divest from Israeli state institutions…

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BDS Victory: Durham drops $1 million contract with Israeli occupation profiteer

Durham becomes first municipality to boycott G4S for Israel security role Drops $1 million private police contract DURHAM, NC, November 24, 2014 — Durham has become the first U.S. municipality to boycott a company because of its role in perpetuating injustice in Israel/Palestine. On a night when the Ferguson grand jury failed to indict Darren…

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Letter from Tel Aviv – Hilla Dayan and PW Zuidhof

Why do Israelis support a costly ground invasion of Gaza? The summer in Israel was planned long in advance. Eager to go, our three small children were excited to start their Lego themed summer camp. We landed in Tel Aviv in steamy mid July, just when the current violence started. As a Dutch-Israeli family from…

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JVP in the News

September 2016 The Nation: American Jews Should Support the Movement for Black Lives Platform September 7, 2016 The Forward: The Jewish Left Needs To Call Out Real Anti-Semites Like Christopher Bollyn September 7, 2016 Warscapes: Poetry is simply Dareen, and Dareen is poetry September 9, 2016 Warscapes: Susan Abulhawa: Art and politics are not mutually exclusive September 9, 2016…

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Press Archive

The New York Times: United Church of Christ Approves Divestment to Aid Palestinians (June 30, 2015) Associated Press: UCC Church to Divest over Israeli Treatment of Palestinians (June 30, 2015) Huffington Post: United Church of Christ Takes a Stand on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict with Divestment Vote (June 30, 2015) Religion News Service: United Church of…

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A sad commentary on the state of liberal Zionist discourse

Recent work by authors Bernard Avishai and Gershom Gorenberg reflect the inability of liberal Zionist champions to engage in an honest debate about the core issues of contention in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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Jewish Voice for Peace on the Palestinian Authority Bid for Statehood at UN | 2011

Today, the President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, presented a bid for the state of Palestine based on the 1967 borders.

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