Search Results: apartheid

Will they crush the biggest student movement since Vietnam?

In a matter of days, dozens of Gaza solidarity encampments have sprung up on over a hundred university campuses across the U.S.

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Break the Bonds

Divest from oppression. Invest in freedom. Divest from Israel Bonds, and withdraw from the political and moral cover for violence and oppression. We can demand that our community institutions stop investing in genocide and Israeli apartheid by stopping buying Israel Bonds. And by doing so, we withdraw key support for violence against Palestinians. Communities everywhere…

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Statement: JVP Stands With the Students of Columbia University and CCNY.

Last night, student protestors at Columbia University and the City College of New York were brutalized by the NYPD — in order to protect their universities’ investments in Israeli apartheid. Jewish Voice for Peace condemns the NYPD’s arrests and assaults of over 50 Columbia and Barnard students peacefully occupying Hind’s Hall (formerly Hamilton Hall, renamed…

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Grand Central Station ceasefire action 2023

We’re fighting to stop a genocide. Slanders against our movements are a distraction.

People of conscience across the country are organizing in unprecedented numbers to demand divestment from Israeli apartheid and genocide. Our elected officials and the U.S. media, desperate to maintain unquestioning support for the Israeli war machine in service of their own interests, have responded by exploiting fears of rising antisemitism and smearing peaceful, anti-war protests…

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Why is this year different from all other years?

This Passover, the holiday of liberation, the bombs are still raining down on Gaza.

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Grand Central Station ceasefire action 2023


Divest from oppression. Invest in freedom.

When we see injustice, we speak up. We raise our voices, we come together and we demand that our concerns are addressed. We stand up until justice prevails. For many American Jews “tikkun olum,” or repairing the world, is a sacred part of what it means to be Jewish.  But right now the Israeli government…

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Congress is pushing for $14b in more weapons to Israel.

The Israeli government isn’t using U.S. weapons to defend itself. It’s using them to kill Palestinians.

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Passover 5784/2024: Exodus from Zionism.

This year, as we gather for Passover, we hold both grief and resolve deep in our hearts. We know that this year is unlike any other year. The Israeli government continues its genocide of Palestinians in Gaza in full force. We cannot feast while there is famine. Holding the lessons of Passover close, that all…

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Did Nancy Pelosi just ask to halt weapons to Israel?

The genocide in Gaza continues in full force. But in the U.S., our movement’s power has been instrumental in pulling even centrist Democrats toward the left.

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Media Roundup: We’re still fighting for ceasefire.

JVP isn’t letting up in our escalation for ceasefire, and we’re building a Jewish left that stands against oppression and for the liberation of us all.

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Media Roundup: The People’s State of the Union.

We’re keeping up the pressure for a ceasefire.

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Red lines and red carpets.

As Ramadan begins, pressure on the Biden administration to end its support for the Gaza genocide is mounting. 

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