
We all have a role to play in stopping the Israeli military’s genocide in Gaza. Together, we can hold the Israeli government accountable.


When we see injustice, we speak up.
We raise our voices, we come together and we demand that our concerns are addressed. We stand up until justice prevails. For many American Jews “tikkun olum,” or repairing the world, is a sacred part of what it means to be Jewish.

But right now the Israeli government is waging a genocidal war on Gaza and treating Palestinians inhumanely — and doing it in our name, claiming the support of all Jews who live in the US. We know that’s not true.

In fact, two things are increasingly clear:

  • The Israeli government is deeply invested in being able to claim that we, American Jews, silently support it.
  • But the Israeli government doesn’t want to hear what we have to say.

Not all of us will have Israel Bonds, but each of us can take the pledge to either divest, to invest in Palestinian freedom, or both.


For those of us who don’t want another life lost, and want to see an end to the Israeli government’s inhumane treatment of Palestinians, we say, “Not in our name!”

But with far-Right, homophobic and racist politicians like Bezalel Smotrich running Israel’s Ministry of Finance, it can be really hard to make our voices heard.

Here’s a start: Divest from your Israel Bonds, and tell the Israeli government, "Not in my name! Not with my money!" Then, invest in Palestinian Freedom.


Commit to Justice, Invest in Freedom FAQ

Israel Bonds are loans from individuals and institutions to the Israeli treasury that help sustain the Israeli state economy.

As such, Israel Bonds provide critical financial support for the Israeli military and government–including the Israeli military’s genocidal war on Gaza as well as forced displacement of Palestinian families from their homes, and the Israeli government’s separate-and-unequal system of apartheid. 

Israel Bonds have been part of a political project to inextricably link the American Jewish community with the Israeli government since the founding of the state of Israel. Fundraising for Israel Bonds was held in synagogues and Jewish community spaces to intentionally link support for Israel with American Jewish life.

Moreover, the development of the American Jewish custom of gifting Israel Bonds for Jewish rites of passage, including B’Nai Mitzvot (coming-of-age ceremonies) and weddings, has further tied Jewish religious, spiritual life with financial and political support for the Israeli government. This has been a crucial part of the larger project of deepening general economical and political ties between the U.S. and Israel through investment of U.S. institutions in Israel Bonds–from public treasuries, to union pension funds, to universities.

Since 1951, the Development Corporation of Israel has raised billions for the Israeli treasury, going directly towards upholding a brutal military occupation and apartheid system of domination over Palestinians.

While the Development Corporation of Israel has sold over $50 billion in bonds, the agency has sold around $2 billion just in the few months since the Israeli military and government’s most recent genocidal assault in Gaza — with the vast majority of these bond sales coming from United States institutions.

This money lent directly to the Israeli treasury is in addition to the $3.8 Billion the U.S. government sends each year to the Israeli military, as well as on top of the additional $14 Billion in funds and weapons that the U.S. approved post October 7th, 2023.

Divestment from Israel Bonds is a powerful means of withdrawing not just financial support for Israeli apartheid, occupation, and genocide of Palestinians; but also withdrawing the political and moral cover that Israel Bonds divestment provides for such violence and oppression.

For decades, Palestinian organizing has been structurally and systematically under-resourced, criminalized, and repressed. Here are some considerations about how to give in a way that breaks down those structural barriers: 

  1. Contribute to Palestinian-led organizations, both on the ground and in the U.S. Invest in the vision and brilliance of Palestinians leading their own liberation struggle.

    In addition to mutual aid funds, consider investing in the organizations working tirelessly to address root causes of injustice and achieve fundamental change.

  2. Contribute as much as you can. If you can give more than the value of your bonds, push yourself to do so. Make multi-year commitments. Invite your friends and families to match your gift and to get to know the organizations you are supporting.

  3. Contribute without conditions. Make gifts toward the general operating expenses, rather than with pre-conditions or prescriptions. This allows organizations to resource and advance their existing strategies and priorities.

  4. Notice and challenge gatekeeping. As a donor, consider seeking out and learning about new Palestinian-led organizations.If you find out about organizations from mainstream media or through philanthropic sources, consider anti-Palestinian bias or political litmus-tests that might influence the organizations you’ve heard about.

Information and guidance above adapted from the extensive research and resources of Funding Freedom.