Search Results: rabbinical council

Sorrow and fury: a letter from American rabbis to President Biden.

Dear President Biden, As American rabbis, we write to you with deep sorrow and fury.  Tomorrow is the UN – designated International Holocaust Remembrance Day: a time to honor the memory of the millions of people murdered through the genocide committed by the Nazi regime, including six million of our Jewish ancestors. On this day,…

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Media Roundup: The world is watching — and we’re not slowing down.

Now is not the moment to slow down.

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Media Roundup: The growing Jewish movement for a ceasefire.

There can be no business as usual as long as Israel is committing genocide in our names. 

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Poking Holes in the Mainstream Media’s March to War

Amid a wave of one-sided media coverage without any context — and as our elected officials beat the drums of war — many are looking to Jewish Voice for Peace for moral clarity.

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High Holidays 2023/5784

Days of Awe: Rosh HaShana, Tashlich, Yom Kippur September 15-25, 2023 • 1-10 Tishrei 5784  From JVP Havurah Network, JVP BIJOCSM Network (Black, Indigenous, Jews of Color, Sephardi, Mizrahi), JVP Rabbinical Council, JVP Chapters, Members and Friends JVP Offerings Virtual Rosh Hashanah Sephardi-Mizrahi Seder For All: Sunday, September 10Join us for a Virtual Sephardi/Mizrahi Rosh…

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JVP rabbis teach Torah of Divestment at hotel as Smotrich speaks at Israel Bonds fundraiser

“We are here to tell Smotrich, and all those who advocate pogroms and incite hate, that we will not be silenced while you fundraise for apartheid”

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Facing the Nakba offers educational resources to U.S. Jews and a general U.S. Download the free image by JVP Artist Council Member Micah Bazant in collaboration with Linda Sarsour. The JVP Rabbinical Council is a network of rabbis, cantors and rabbinical students that supports the mission of JVP, JVP’s 15,000 members, the Palestine solidarity movement,…

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Join Us

Join Us Who We Are Find Local Organizing Ways to get involved FAQ Who We Are JVP is a national, grassroots organization working towards Palestinian freedom and Judaism beyond Zionism. It’s the largest such organization in the world. As the right wing gathers momentum in the U.S., Israel, and globally, it can be hard to…

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REVEALED: ADL’s US-Israel Police Exchanges Militarize the Police

“Our collective power is working: The ADL never would have disrupted their US-Israel police exchanges without the power of our multiracial intersectional coalition forcing them into a corner”

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Passover 5782: The Season of Liberation

According to the Jewish calendar, the month of Nisan, (April 2- May 1) is the “season of liberation.” As we approach the full moon we are instructed by Talmud to once again prepare the stage for the great retelling of our journey from the narrow place of enslavement out to the frightening unknowns of liberation…

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JVP welcomes Amnesty International’s report documenting Israeli apartheid

“A large and growing number of American Jews understand that the only just response to apartheid is to join the fight for a future of equality and freedom for all.”

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Hanukkah Against Apartheid

Come celebrate Hanukkah this year building a radical, loving, anti-Zionist Jewish movement for liberation. Hanukkah means rededication. This Hanukkah Against Apartheid, we rededicate our resolve to be bold and win against all that is life-taking and land-grabbing. It is said, the Temple was cleaned, sanctified, and rededicated after the Maacabees won the fight. Here, in…

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