Search Results: rabbinical council

Mi Shebayrach, May the One who blessed…

A prayer for those joining together to reaffirm a commitment to Justice, Equality and Freedom for All on January 20 and beyond.

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Shabbat Live Streams

Join JVP for Shabbat – from anywhere!

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Reflections on Antisemitism in the Trump Era

As we move into this new era, reflections from JVP’s Rabbi Alissa Wise on antisemitism in the age of Trump.

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Organizing for Palestinian Rights in a time of Trump

On Tuesday, November 8, 2016, the world turned upside down as Donald J. Trump won the electoral college to become President-elect of the United States.  In the subsequent days, among grieving, confusion, despondency, resolve, support, and love, many calls have been made to organize.   Thousands have already taken to the streets, and many many…

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Reflections on the School of the Americas Watch Convergence/Encuentro

During the High Holidays 5777 (Oct 2016) JVP members from across the country participated in the School of the Americas Watch convergence at the US/Mexico border.

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Your Child Will Ask, A Poem by Rabbi Brant Rosen

Your child will ask
why do we observe this festival?

And you will answer…

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What shall we do with Haman?

The power to change narratives and evoke new strategies for resisting violence is in our sacred play book, along with the recipe for chocolate chip hamentaschen.

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New Life is Rising: A New Prayer for Tu B’shvat

New life is returning. Sprouting through cracks in the concrete, blooming out of villages long buried and homes demolished.

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Open Letter to the Center for American Progress

Initiated by the Arab American Institute and Jewish Voice for Peace Press release here.   “I know what America is… America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction. They won’t get in [the] way.” –Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, 2001‬ The Center for American Progress (CAP) has made a mistake. Benjamin Netanyahu’s…

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One Year After Operation Protective Edge

MEDIA AVAILABILITY Contact: Naomi Dann | | 845-377-5745 Available for interviews: One year after Operation Protective Edge, Israel’s military assault on Gaza, Jewish Voice for Peace members reflect on Jewish opposition to the war, and the growth of the movement for Palestinian freedom and equality. Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) was the only major Jewish…

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April 2015 JVP in the News

JVP Press Highlights: Common Dreams: US lawmakers quietly advance legislation to penalize boycotts of Israel (April 23, 2015) “Rabbi Joseph Berman, federal policy organizer for JVP, declared, “This legislation, which actually encourages illegal settlement building while strengthening the far right in Israel, shows that BDS is an increasingly powerful means to challenge Israel’s impunity when it comes…

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Young, Jewish, and Proud: Here’s what the press is saying

Young, Jewish and Proud members speak out: Rae Abileah: Jewish Values vs. Israeli Policies: Why five young Jews disrupted PM Netanyahu in New Orleans reprinted at Rae Abileah: Interviewed by Scott Horton on AntiWar Radio Matthew Taylor: Why I disrupted Bibi’s speech Matthew Taylor: Young Jews Tell Bibi: Israel is Delegitimizing Itself Rachel Roberts:…

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